It has been a busy year for Wisconsin Interfaith in Action Network (WIFIAN).
While Covid-19 offered many challenges, it didn’t slow us down.  Having the
resources of the WIFIAN and the NVCN helped all of us feel more connected
during the many ups and downs of 2020.  It is always valuable to network and
see what is working for other agencies, but we found this especially
valuable through Covid-19.  To help with this, the WIFIAN started doing
monthly zoom meetings to stay connected and see how each agency was

In October of 2020 WIFIAN was able to offer a virtual conference, offering
trainings on Facebook, Targeted Volunteer Recruitment, and Self Care for
Servant Leaders.  The Facebook training was offered by Kaylin Krawczyk,
Director of Membership Services, NVCN, and offered us all valuable tips on
how to create and manage a Facebook page.  Targeted Volunteer Recruitment
was offered by Richard Lynch, who was the bestselling author of Volunteer
Management, and was a great way for all of us to work together to develop
some targeted recruitment ideas.  One of our favorites was looking for
shovelers from local fitness centers.  Self-Care for Servant Leaders, with
Sarah Crawford helped us all feel a little more grounded in these turbulent

In September, we ordered Faith in Action T-shirts to share the message about
our network with our volunteers and communities.  This was a great way to
share our message, while given our volunteers a token of our appreciation.

We know that 2020 has been challenging for all of us, but we are reminding
ourselves, this is just a moment in time, and like all others, this too
shall pass.  Stall well all of our Faith in Action Partners!  Thank you for
all that you do.