

The Benefits of Membership

Professional Development

  • Educational Webinars Discussion Groups
  • Email Blasts
  • Membership Directory
  • Speaker’s Bureau
  • NVCN Committees
  • NVCN Governing Board

Membership Package

  • Support
    • Access to Board support
    • Bi Monthly Round table Meetings of the Executive Directors
    • Google Groups for Office Team Members 
  • Tangibles
    • Certificate of membership (received upon payment)
    • Personal thank you letter from the executive director (received upon payment)
    • NVCN is the keeper of the original Faith in Action registered trademark, guarding this brand for Volunteer Caregiving organizations across America
  • Resources
    • Access to high-quality and evidence-based information for volunteer caregiving programs with different maturity levels (library of resources)
    • Access to the NVCN-Office Depot program that saves your program money on office supplies and supports NVCN
    • Option to add on and develop Enterprise Programs, such as our Hospital Discharge & Homecoming, Caregiver Canines, Phone Buddies, After School High School Building Bridges, Dementia Friendly Relief–and more!
    • NVCN-exclusive message boards
  • Opportunities
    • Networking opportunities with other volunteer caregiving programs
    • Regional mini-conferences and bi-annual national conference
    • Visits with the Board
  • Branding & Marketing
    • Permission to use NVCN logo (jpg file are in the Online Toolbox)
    • Social media development tips
    • Like Us on Facebook (
    • Twitter
    • National Instagram Campaign (#volunteercaregiving)
    • Google+
    • Linkedln
  • Excellence
    • Volunteer of the Year (evaluated at the individual level)
    • Excellence Awards (evaluated at the program level)

Enjoy FREE access to the Member Toolbox and invitations to weekly zoom meetings with local leaders from around the country.  

Good for a 3 month trial period.

Single Program Membership – $150
Single program membership constitutes membership by one (1) Volunteer Caregiving program for one (1) year.

Add on an optional Enterprise Program – $75  (Currently offering: Caregiver Canines, Hospital Homecoming, Phone Buddies–and more!  Each Add-On: $75)

Multiple Program Membership – $105 per program.  Must meet eligibility criteria:

  • Two (2) or more programs under the same Executive Director or parent organization.
  • To qualify, you must submit a letter on your membership letterhead confirming 2 or more programs under the same ED or parent organization signed by the ED.
  • Each program has its own NVCN membership ID.

Initial Launch Enterprise Program – $75
Get mentoring and items to help launch one of our Enterprise programs. These include: Economic Solutions, Afterschool Youth Volunteers, Dementia Friendly Relief Volunteers, Caregiver Canines, Hospital Homecoming, and Phone Buddies. 

To participate, programs must already be members of NVCN, complete licensing paperwork, and complete training.