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COVID Happenings in Western Pennsylvania

When COVID hit our communities back in late March/early April 2020 and the world began to shut down, North Hills Community Outreach’s  In Service of Seniors North team realized we needed to innovate to ensure that our most vulnerable seniors would be OK.  Though...

WIFIAN Happenings September and October

It has been a busy year for Wisconsin Interfaith in Action Network (WIFIAN). While Covid-19 offered many challenges, it didn’t slow us down.  Having the resources of the WIFIAN and the NVCN helped all of us feel more connected during the many ups and downs of...

Central California Blog Posts Tester

This is where info of the blog post would go for you to read. This is just a little example of what the Ambassador pages will look like. We cant wait to see what you want to post about what is going on in your area.